
Term 4 Summary!!!


This year has been one of the best year I've ever had in my life! There was all kinds of stuff like Kapa Haka (Check out my blog post about Kapa Haka) , Discovery , YEAR 6 ITEM!!! Athletes, inter schools and lucky last BEING A YEAR SIX!!! Also there was SURFING and a lot of stuff that are SO fun. This term is my last term here and I'm going to miss this school as I I've been here for 7 years of my like to year 0 to year 6 this has been the best school I have ever been to in my life.

In Kapa Haka I was a one of the Kaea's and it was Me, Bjorn and Hunter. We were up after watching Wai and waiting for to performances after it. We were on and once we started strong we ended strong and we did so well!!! But there was kind of a problem when we did the haka we went too fast with the Aue Aue Aue Ha HII we went 2x the speed. But we still did so GOOD!!!

For athletics I was in my first heat and I was against Brody, Hunter, Jett and Toby. I won that and got into the finals. There was no semi's because we didn't have enough time. The finals were looking pretty hard but I came fourth and I also didn't have a good start but in long jump I came 2nd and beat Gavin by 0.1cm and made it to Inter schools!!! In Inter Schools I had my first jump and I mess up and didn't get a placing on my second jump I just got 3rd but got placed by another kid I ended up with no placing but still had SO much FUN!!!


Kapa Haka Festival


We jumped on the bus ready to head down to the A&p showgrounds to have the Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival. We practiced in the bus by singing. Here's our songs that we sung, Tu Mai Ra, He Honore, Wainui E, Kapoiopoio and Puria Nei. We got there and we watched the Wai do the kapa haka and then continued onto the the stage. We did all our songs pretty right. The girls did their poi and then it was our turn. We came forward from the utaina mai haka and we finished. Next I know.....

KIA MAU HI! Hunters deep voice started the haka as me and Bjorn started with him. I could tell we were nervous because of how fast our aue aue aue ha. We were in  This was the time, we had been practicing for 3 whole terms so we must start strong and finish strong. We finish the haka so fast we were out of time with the taka hi.

I walked off the stage as we sing He Honore  I was exhausted, I blow a kiss to my mum. We go to the tent to take off our piupiu. I really wanted my pants on so I asked but then realized that I was going to take a photo so I keeped my pupu on and took a photo. We jumped on the bus and we sing on the way back it was so fun I could probably do it again!


As our priorities is word work, BF, quick writes and stuff that is our learner topic well we have a new word work called duolingo and duolingo helps you learn a new language so fair I'm learning Spanish and French. So far i know Yo soy una mujer that means I am a woman and Yo soy un hombre means I am a man. Duolingo a fun school base way to learn a new language.


Cross Country 2019
On Tuesday, in the morning ,we had cross country. So we walked all the way to the course, and me and Robin were talking on the way there. We had to run in year groups so that the big kids could guide the little ones.

The year 6 girls would go first and it would end with the 1’s and 0’s. When I was going up, I had to take off my jersey and go up for my race when I was running, I felt like I had a stitch, I was exhausted. I went to go sit by Robin and he taught me how to say come on in chinese, it is 来吧.

Science fair 2019

This year we did the science fair AGAIN and this year me, Taj and Seve had done *drum roll please* HOLOGRAM!!! and we had so much fun doing this but the funny thing is that one day I would go to Taj's house but Seve wouldn't be there so we had to it another day. Then Seve would come over to Taj's house but I wouldn't be there but all in the we all were together having a fun time making our hologram. Anyway here's the slides what we did (sorry if you spot mistakes)

Lighthouse Writing

Here's what me and my group write about, we had to write about the Iguana vs Snakes this is what we do for Lighthouse writing every week.


For our quickwrite we had to write about what happened and investigate what happened in this photo.

Here's the Quickwrite 

I think that the dinosaurs were defending themselves from the criminal. it was either there life or his life. Plus he had to defend his family. The guy that he captured was a criminal here's the information about him..    He might look innocent but has done a lot of bad stuff.
Image result for gingerbread men Sent to prison for steal and murder. He was going to get executed but he escaped he was going to be sent to prison for life but he got captured by a citizen

Name: Ginger
Sir Name: Bread             Prison Rating: 100
Age:17 Teenage

The Dinosaur that captured him was given 100$ and people say                                           that he's a HERO!