For our quickwrite we had to write about what happened and investigate what happened in this photo.
Here's the Quickwrite
I think that the dinosaurs were defending themselves from the criminal. it was either there life or his life. Plus he had to defend his family. The guy that he captured was a criminal here's the information about him.. He might look innocent but has done a lot of bad stuff.
Sent to prison for steal and murder. He was going to get executed but he escaped he was going to be sent to prison for life but he got captured by a citizen
Name: Ginger
Sir Name: Bread Prison Rating: 100
Age:17 Teenage
The Dinosaur that captured him was given 100$ and people say that he's a HERO!
I think that the dinosaurs were defending themselves from the criminal. it was either there life or his life. Plus he had to defend his family. The guy that he captured was a criminal here's the information about him.. He might look innocent but has done a lot of bad stuff.

Name: Ginger
Sir Name: Bread Prison Rating: 100
Age:17 Teenage
The Dinosaur that captured him was given 100$ and people say that he's a HERO!